Head Missing Vital Accessory

So I’m up at me mam and dad’s at the mo. It’s the same house they’ve lived in since I was a baby and they don’t chuck much out. And so today as I was looking for a doll that I could pretend was Pippa Haywood and another that I could pretend was Toby Jones (for various photo opportunities and to help feed the endlessly hungry WeShadows twitter account – obis) I found a wealth of treasures.

I came across an entire box of Pippas (anyone old enough to remember Pippa’s? No? Ah sod you, all you youngsters with your dreams in tact). But also, this head from a 1960s Sindy doll which I have decided to use in my act on Tuesday night. Classy.


Hmm. Obviously  there was something missing.  And then I found this at the bottom of the old shoe box and everything made sense again…


Phew. She just seems so complete now. I’ll bet she’s really happy (to be continued…)


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